Beiträge von smidje

    danke :thumpsUp:

    I deleted my first post since I didn`t get any replies anyway... I live just across the border near Gronau.

    seems like a nice board though... I just wish I found it a few years earlier. I`ve been driving classic beemers ever since I got my driverslicence, but I sold my last one in december. It was a piece of sh!t e28 . I had so much trouble with that one, I swore to myself I would not do that again. I`m also restoring an american musclecar at this time and that one needs my attention and money.

    anyways, the main reason I subscribed to this board is that after 15 years, since I drove my last e21, ( a beautifull 323i in stratosblau ) I decided to sell my alpina wheels... I am sure I won`t be using them anymore and wanted to give you die-hard e21 fans the first chance of buying, before going to ebay. `Since I`m not allowed to post in the "biete" forum ,I sent an e-mail to the administrator... so I`ll wait for that.

    In the mean time I enjoy the pics of your rides :klap: seen some real beauties around.... wow :good: